A Mirror That Brings Life Into Any Room

Who would think that a mirror would be a great gift, and something I would want, and you will too!

A mirror displays three-dimensional, luminous clouds

Well this is not just any mirror.  Read on!

This mirror displays three-dimensional, luminous clouds.  It gives you the feeling of being outdoors and the calm that these clouds can give you.  Just think how this can give you peace at the end of a busy day, or make you feel you are doing yoga outside, or instead of watching TV or surfing the internet, you can just sit back with a nice glass of wine and enjoy.

How is this done?

80 frames of HD video are used to create unique cloud formations and the LED back lighting creates radiant beams that cast a lustrous, celestial glow from within the cloud formations.

How cool is this?

It makes me think of when I was a kid and I use to lie on the grass and look up at the clouds.  I use  to think of what they looked like, what they were changing into.  Clouds are little art miracles.

I want this gift and I can imagine anyone who wants to something special in their home would love this too!

Check it Out Here!


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