Being Grateful At The Countdown To Christmas – Today Is The Day – Merry Christmas

grateful-tree-1Christmas Day and I hope you all had a wonderful day of family, friends as well as  gifts in all sorts of forms.

Our day was quiet.  We had a nice sleep in and lots of talk/reflection while lying around in bed before coffee called us.

Then we went out and feed the birds, Steller’s Jay, peanuts.  Sun shining, nice temperatures, and the lovely trees, birds, and Billy and I being together.

We reflected on Christmas past with each of our families from childhood until we got together 11 years ago.  It was a lovely experience of sharing experiences and sharing love. Magical.

At this last day of the countdown to what I am grateful for it is:

1. Always #1 on my list I am grateful for my loving, and caring, husband Billy, my son Brian, my grandson Tyler, and all my family and friends.  I love you all so much. You enrich my life.  Thank you.


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p.s. I would love to hear what you are grateful for during the holiday season as you reflect back on this past year, and look forward to a new year.