Being Grateful At The Countdown To Christmas – 6 Days To Go

Grateful At The Countdown To Christmas 6 Days 2014We are now 6 days away from Christmas 2014.

‘Tis the time to be grateful for all we have.

As I said in my last post, I am  doing a countdown to Christmas with what I am grateful for, with a little gift idea that gives back.

So since today is day 6 before Christmas, let me tell you of six things I am grateful for:

1. I am grateful for my loving, and caring, husband Billy, my birth-son, my grandson, my nieces, et al. They are alsways #1 on my list
2. I am grateful for Susie and Meredith who have helped me in so many ways and re-opened my spiritual path.
3. I am grateful our fish, Big Al and Smuckers made it through our move and are still thriving.
4. I am grateful for the wonderful park like setting we live in. The beauty of nature is truly inspiring and brings me joy.
5. I am grateful for those who give to people who have little and are in need. You truly are the best, and I thank those who have done this for me/us.
6. I am grateful for each and every day that I wake up to.

In the spirit of gratitude, if you are looking for a gift please think of giving back by picking up a gift at: Life is good Store! They donate 10% of their net profits to kids in need.


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