Being Grateful At The Countdown To Christmas – 4 Days To Go

The spirit of gratitude this holiday seasonThe holiday season can be a wonderful celebration, but for others it can be a depressing time. I think it is important to recognize that it is not always easy to be grateful during the holiday season. That is why we should be grateful for what we have, and help those that don’t.

Since today is day 4 before Christmas I wanted to tell you the four things I am grateful for:

1. Always #1 on my list I am grateful for my loving, and caring, husband Billy, my birth-son, my grandson, and all my family and friends.

2. I am grateful that I am almost 6 years cancer free.

3. I am grateful for now sleeping with dreams instead of nightmares.

4. I am grateful for each and every new day that I wake up to a blank slate that I can choose how to fill.

In the spirit of gratitude, if you are looking for a gift please think of giving back by picking up a gift at National Geographic Store Here! They help support critical projects around the globe. Since its inception in 1888, the National Geographic Society has given more than 11,000 grants supporting exploration, conservation, cultural preservation and education. Check them out Here!

I would love to hear what you are grateful for as Christmas quickly approaches and beyond.


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