Being Grateful At The Countdown To Christmas – 1 Day To Go

Do what you can to make Chistmas better for those in needIt’s now Christmas Eve and at this time I think back…

I remember my Oma and Opa celebrated Christmas on the eve of the 24th, as many do. My parents would allow us to open one present on Christmas eve, the main time was Christmas morning.

For those who celebrate tonight, many blessings to you.

Christmas can be very difficult for people. It is especially hard for people who are homeless, who are alone, or shut in seniors. At this time I ask you to think of those in need and if there is anything you can do to make this Christmas better please do what you can. They need a Christmas miracle and we, who have more, can give a little of ourselves, and together maybe help make a miracle happen.

So we are 1 day before Christmas I wanted to tell you the two (yes two as #1 is always there) things I am grateful for:

1. Always #1 on my list I am grateful for my loving, and caring, husband Billy, and all my family and friends.

2. I am grateful that the sun shone and the birds visited us on this Christmas eve day. Simple little things but how wonderful they are and I give thanks for them and well, everything.

In the spirit of gratitude, if you are looking for a gift please think of giving back. The National Autism Resources offer over 1400 products that support ABA therapists, OTs, SLPs, classroom teachers, and support personnel. They also offer a wide variety of tools to help address common challenges. They offer classroom supports, a line for OTs, PTs, SLPs, and ABA therapists and more. Check them out here.

I would love to hear what you are grateful for during the holiday season as you reflect back on this past year, and look forward to a new year.


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