Oh I So Want To Be Young Again For This Bat Car!

The bat car is sold out, but I found the Arcade Mini Roadster Simulator!

The Arcade Mini Roadster Simulator

How cool is this? Well read on!

This is the children’s single-player arcade game.  It pitches and rolls as drivers zoom their mini roadster around a simulated racecourse.

Giving youngsters a more entertaining and immersive racing experience than computer games, the rally-striped roadster’s chassis sways as drivers lean into turns and gently bucks when it hits rough terrain. What fun!

Drivers operate the vehicle as they would a real roadster by pressing the foot pedal to accelerate and turning the steering wheel to navigate the course.

The roadster and its movements are replicated on a 19″ LCD monitor integrated into its windscreen that displays elapsed time, score, and speed.

A jump button launches the virtual race car airborne to avoid obstacles and collect bonus points.

The roadster’s brightly colored fiberglass body sports realistic details such as a lighted dashboard with a full bank of gauges, working headlights and taillights, side-mounted rear view mirrors, dual exhaust pipes, and chrome wheel covers.

Ages 4 to 12. Yes it’s for kids, but oh, I bet you want one too 🙂

Check it out Here!
